Importance of IR theories and Vision 2050
Pillar 4 of Vision 2050 makes two very important statements about international relations. We can use to help us argue why it is vital for us to learn about the various international relations theories. Firstly, there is a need to ensure that PNG’s foreign policy reflects the national interest. Secondly, there is a need to increase bilateral relations with the rest of the world and relevant international organizations. Foreign policy is defined by Goldstein (2005) as strategies used by governments to guide their actions in the international arena. He stated that foreign policies spell out the objectives states leaders have decided to pursue in a given relationship or situation as well as the general means by which they intend to pursue those objectives. Day-to- day decisions made by various arms of government are guided by the goal of implementing foreign policy. The analogy of human beings and our personal interest helps us to understand that states behave like humans. All st...