Huawei behind PNG's digital rise
Technology is increasingly becoming an important part of human life. Most of what we do today is influenced by our use of technology. As a developing country, PNG is seeing changes unfold caused by the technological revolution with the help of China. Many people now are slowly depending on their computers or smart phones to help them do things for their survival. One can access their bank account to transfer money from one account to another using their smart phone with access to the internet. There is no need to walk physically to the bank to manually fill in a withdrawal and deposit form. In addition, one does not need to stand in a long line to complete the transaction. COVID-19 is now seen as a catalyst for the technological revolution. The fear that we might expose ourselves to the virus if we come into close contact with others is changing human perception and behaviour. We now want to find out how best we can use technology to do some of the things that we do as human...