Focus on China in Semester 2

No that I am done with assessment it is time to move onto planning for next semester. Next semester, I will be teaching only two units:
  1. IR333 Foreign Policy Analysis
  2. IR432 Geopolitics in Asia-Pacific
The other unit on the program is IR204 PNG Foreign Policy. This unit was a second year unit initially but during our program review we moved it to fourth year.

The rationale for the move is based on the logic that a student must first have a strong understanding of the theories, roles and functions of international organizations, the politics of international law and foreign policy including security before talking about PNG's foreign policy. This is captured in our logical arrangement of IR units:
  1. IR202 Theories of International Relations
  2. IR203 International Organizations
  3. IR302 International Law in International Relations
  4. IR333 Foreign Policy Analysis
  5. IR431 International & Regional Security
  6. IR432 Geopolitics in Asia-Pacific
  7. IR204 PNG Foreign Policy
Regardless of the unit code, it is now a fourth year unit. The current fourth years have already taken this unit when they were in second year. Therefore, we will offer this unit next year (2019).

I am excited at the moment because of political events happening in the region. Especially, the Prime Minister's visit to China. This is reflected in my tweets and posts.

We will talk more about China and its Belt and Road Initiative in our foreign policy and geopolitics classes. I will also continue to tweet and post about the China-PNG relations.

I have written some blog articles if you are interested in reading:
See you all next semester!


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