
Human security and UN SDGs

One important trend that we need to note is the shift from the traditional state-centric approach to a more expansive understanding of the concept of security, as outlined by Griffiths, O’Callaghan and Roach (2008).  These scholars gave two reasons for the shift; the first being the fact that most violent conflicts in the world today are within states. Group identity and culture are the two factors at stake in many of these conflicts.  Secondly, the scholars said the capacity of the state to provide security for its citizens has been eroded by a range of non-military threats such as environmental problems, population growth, disease, refugees, and resources scarcity. Globalization is another factor; it has made the world a big global village. States are now interconnected economically and via technology making it hard to engage in state-to-state conflict. This understanding of security by Griffiths, O’Callaghan and Roach (2008) leads us to the debate between st...

Geopolitics of tourism

Geographical factors like natural resources, location, size, topography, demography and climate have a huge impact on the international political behaviour of a particular state. These factors have caused states to go to war, enforce sanctions, issue travel warnings, spy on each other and engage in other activities aimed at safeguarding their citizens.   These geographical factors also have an impact on international tourists. Tourists are people who travel for pleasure. Some tourists are attracted to a particular place because of its topography, climate, or location. They want to enjoy the white sandy beaches and the warm sunshine which are natural features. Other travelers are of the opinion that location makes the destination exotic.  A few years’ back tourists were reluctant to travel to West Africa for demographic reasons. Governments all over the world issued travel warnings and bans to avoid the possibility of a global Ebola pandemic. Tourists were also adv...

Checking out Tiananmen Square


Ramu NiCo Hope Elementary School

In the jungles of Naru, Madang Province, I came across this sign board.

Sharing my knowledge of English in China
