Embracing Technology: Navigating Social Media in Education

Today, I want to discuss an essential aspect of our academic journey - the integration of social media platforms into our learning process. I understand that some of you may have concerns or reservations about this approach, and I want to address them while shedding light on the benefits it offers.

First and foremost, your opinions matter. If you have any issues with using social media for academic purposes, I encourage you to share them with me. Whether it's a personal decision or specific challenges you face, rest assured that any information you provide will be handled with utmost confidentiality. Additionally, if your concerns involve sensitive matters such as cyberbullying or revenge porn, and you feel uncomfortable discussing them via email, please feel free to see me in person.

To ensure fairness and adherence to academic policies, all assessment tasks with social media components have undergone approval processes by both the Department and Faculty. Quality assurance is a priority at DWU, and we aim to create a meaningful and enriching learning experience for each student.

Now, let's address a comment made during the IR203 International Organizations evaluation in 2022. Your feedback is invaluable, and I apologize for any misunderstandings that may have arisen. As your educator, I am committed to understanding your diverse learning needs, documenting your expectations, and recognizing your preferences. To help achieve this, I urge all of you to actively participate in the anonymous QA student online unit evaluation every semester. Your input guides us in making improvements tailored to your individual needs.

I want to assure you that my intention is not to turn you into "computerized geeks." Instead, I believe in leveraging electronic platforms such as Moodle, Facebook, and blogs to facilitate your learning journey. These tools offer essential skills relevant to the digital age, preparing you for success in the ever-evolving world.

My goal is to provide a unique and enlightening learning experience that sets you apart from others. By sharing your experiences from DWU, you'll contribute to discussions on blended and online learning, leaving a lasting impact on the educational landscape.

Let's clear up a misconception about over-reliance on social media for assessment purposes. In the IR203 unit in 2022, YouTube was utilized for video submissions, but unforeseen circumstances (the earthquake) hindered online access. As a result, some submissions were made manually via personal storage devices. Please be assured that Moodle remains the official platform for assessing your progress. Social media components are merely included in a limited capacity for specific tasks in certain units.

By embracing social media, including Facebook groups and blog sites, you can expand your knowledge and technological skills. These proficiencies will prove valuable once you graduate and embark on your career or entrepreneurial journey.

Through Facebook groups, you gain access to a diverse community, including practitioners, academics, former students, and retirees. Engaging with these individuals offers a wealth of perspectives on international relations and foreign policy, broadening your understanding of complex global issues.

You may wonder why YouTube and Facebook are utilized for certain content instead of Moodle. The answer lies in the university's limited storage capacity on Moodle, which restricts the size of uploaded files. To overcome this limitation, YouTube and Facebook serve as digital archives for storing information that can benefit both present and future students.

Should any of you have genuine concerns about using social media in our learning process, please follow the outlined process to discuss your case. I am committed to providing alternative arrangements that accommodate your needs and ensure your academic journey remains productive and fulfilling.

In conclusion, let's embrace technology and make the most of the opportunities social media presents in education. Together, we can cultivate a dynamic and transformative learning environment where your growth and success are paramount.

If you ever feel confused or require clarification on any aspect of our units, I encourage you to seek consultation or read the academic policies of the university. I am here to support your academic pursuits and empower you to become the leaders of tomorrow.


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